Okay, it really stinks not having a camera! I don't like to blog without adding a few cute pictures of my kids. (or a few pictures of my cute kids :) Plus I also have a new fun hobby that is keeping me a little busy. Coupon-ing! I love it! It's like a game trying to see how much you can get with the least amount of money. Also free stuff is always good! And, it is fun competing with Cody. :)
Anyways to make all the fans of "the blog" happy, here is something new:
I am putting up these pictures of Livee, and I want you to notice her cute hair.
This first picture is soon after she got it cut in the summer. Fun little bob. Perfect for her fun little personality!

Oh my goodness. Isn't she just the cutest thing!!! Her hair has grown out a little here. Still fun. Still way cute!

Just another picture to show her hair a little longer. Totally versatile. She can wear ponytails... pigtails... braids. Lots of different things. I really like her hair this length. But, I miss the bob.
Livee missed the bob too. So..... stay tuned to see the aftermath of a 6.99 haircut