This is a post just to catch up on all the stuff that has been going on at our house. This morning Paige went to school like this:
Yesterday Zoe got her expander put in. So far there is no pain, but we haven't started turning the key yet. She is a trooper, so hopefully these next few months won't be too hard on her.
Livee is reading so good now. She takes a book everywhere. My car looks like a library since she never remembers to bring the books back in. :)
Miles can say his name clearly now. It is so cute. He says it really slow and clear "Mi-les" I'll try and get a little video of it later today. He is also learning too much too soon from his sisters. Last night in the car he asked me "Mom, where we going" Livee answered him and he said "No, I'm asking my mommy!" Uh-oh...... He also asks every time we are in the car, "We almost there?" I have a feeling our return from CA is going to be very long and very patience-testing. =}
I love Paige's hair and I really like that fundraising idea it allows everyone to participate. I can't wait until I see everyone in a few weeks. The kids are getting so big. I am excited for Miles and Cole to play together.
Paige needs to keep doing her hair like that to scare away the boys.
Glad to see your keeping up with the Bowler hair style tradition! It will come in handy if you ever attend an event that checks your purse for bottled water...
heart nan
Nice hair. I wish mine would do that!
Ha Syd would be so proud! You look cute Paige!
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