Monday, June 14, 2010


Can you believe this girl is going into Middle school?! It just doesn't seem right. For some reason my camera was on a weird setting and I couldn't figure out why my pictures were blurry in time to fix it. I still had to include this pic of Zoe in a skirt. It's been years since that happened. This is also a picture of her Very Best Friend. (VBF?)

This is another of Zoe's and Livee's very good friends, Mckay. She lives right across the street and is also one of my favorite girls in my Primary class. Zoe's teachers always tell me that they wish they could have a class full of kids just like her. She got lots of awards including Hall of Fame, Citizenship, and Excellence in Citizenship. She had a very good year and passed all of her TAKS tests, two of them with commended scores (and one of those was 100%) I am sad to be sending her off to middle school, but very pleased with her great elementary school experience!
This is the face of a kid who did not want to be woken up early. Especially when he found out that there were donuts waiting at home from Uncle Tad.
Livee also had a great year! She had really good teachers and improved greatly in all her subjects. She walked away with a whole packet full of awards.
One of those was very cool:
The school focuses on a few different character traits throughout the year. And at the end of the year her teacher thought Livee was a good representative of Honesty.
It was a very good school year for all the girls. I am so thankful for that! Now only two more years until the little man can start.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"finding the light" :)

So at first Miles wasn't really happy when he found out he got the lollipop in exchange for being my model..... but, at least his mood didn't last too long. He was a very good little subject the rest of the time.

What do you guys think of his new haircut? Any ideas on some product that will last in his hair? (syd? tiff?) After just a few minutes he turns into mr. fuzzyhead.

I was really trying to "find the light" in his eyes. I am new to this and when I saw beautiful pictures of kids with their eyes highlighted and all super sparkly, I thought that the photographer just got lucky with a good shot. I didn't know you had to look for it. :)

I still have a lot more learnin' to do. Will I ever totally "get" my camera? I don't know, but I had a fun session with a super cute little model today. Up next..... the big sisters.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

swagger wagon

Okay, me and the girls can't stop watching... and laughing!

Friday, June 4, 2010

teacher gifts

I saw these featured on Today's Creative Blog and I thought they were so cute and simple, I just had to make some. The original post was from eighteen25 and they even have everything available for you to download already. Perfect! The girls and I had so much fun making them! We used the giant Symphony bars. Yum!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010