I feel so blessed to live in the USA!!!
What a great reason to celebrate!
Tiffany, Kodi and Degan were here for the weekend, so we got together with Cousin Kellie for a picnic at Lake Grapevine. We found a cute little wooded area where we ate an early dinner. There were lots of trails for the kids to explore. They loved it!

A little later, Livee needed to find a little girls room. (no roughing it in the woods for that girl :) So we packed up and tried to find a better area for watching the fireworks later. We ended up finding a perfect spot. The kids played in the water for hours. They were really good entertainment for Tiff and I, and the other people sitting around us. They splashed and danced and ran and laughed and embarrassed their moms (Tiffany) all night long. It was just a fun, easy day.

I love you USA!