This cute little chubby cheeked girl is now a teenager!!!
Here are 13 facts about my favorite oldest daughter:
1. The girl loves chocolate. Plain. No nuts. No nothin'. Just chocolate.
2. She loves to sing.
3. Favorite color: orange
4. Will not eat ham or any kind of pork. (well, okay just bacon and sausage. but they don't really count. right? :)
5. Recently is a little obsessed with her looooong hair. But it still usually ends up in her trademark braids.
6. 5'5" (sorry Pops)
7. Lucky to have her best friend live right across the street.
8. Happily working on her personal progress goals.
9. A recent project is being submitted to the newspaper by her science teacher.
10. Her least favorite thing is cleaning. (quit laughing Letti!) But she does it anyways with minimum complaining. (she's getting better)
11. Currently serving as Beehive secretary and National Junior Honor Society Treasurer.
12. Will be performing in Seussical Jr. in November.
13. She makes the yummiest cinnamon toast!
I could go on and on about Paige! She is seriously one great kid! I am a little sad that she is growing up so fast, but I love seeing the kind of person she is becoming. She definitely has a quality about her that draws people in and makes them happy to be around her. She is a blessing to our family and I am excited to see how she continues to grow. She is a good example to Zoe and Livee and I already see them wanting to be just like her. Zoe wants her hair fixed the same as Paige and now Livee and Zoe are wearing mismatched socks too. :) I love you Paigee!
*I know this post is a little late. oops! I forgot my camera when she was opening presents. Luckily Aunt Celeste took some. Now I just need to get them. When I do I will add them here.