So yesterday, My family got to do some really fun volunteer work. We did it through Disney's Give a Day, Get a Day. We went to Fossil Rim Wildlife Center. Miles wasn't old enough, so he got to spend the day with Grandma Charlotte and the Borens. When we got there, the girls went off with the rest of the kids and got to learn all about the animals and play some games. I guess Craig and I were the ones that did the real volunteer work! We cleared leaves and trimmed the plants around a picnic area. And then we did something that I never thought I would ever be doing. We put on orange vests and grabbed a couple of trash bags, and then a truck dropped us off on the side of the highway and we started picking up trash. :) Believe me, that was not in the description of what kind of work we would be doing! Oh well. I told Craig that at least we were doing our part to make the world a more beautiful place :)
{the one picture of all of us. of course there's gonna be funny faces!}

We really did have fun though, and after we were done, we got to go on a tour, and see all the animals, and feed them, and of course take lots of boring, I mean interesting, pictures of them.
{the girls' liked the ostriches the best}
(they're pretty photogenic too}
Thanks Disney, for the Disneyland tickets (can't wait!) and also for helping my family get more motivated and to get out and volunteer more!
p.s. I just checked the website and it says they are really close to reaching their goal, so hurry up and go sign up here.