Good thing he is so dang cute and can pull off any haircut!
But doesn't he look so different!
Good thing he is so dang cute and can pull off any haircut!
But doesn't he look so different!
Opening her presents: shoes, clothes, and an "OH MY GOSH, YOU GOT ME AN iPOD" ( I think she liked it)
Oh yeah! She got one more thing too:
A haircut!
And Miles was loving the little mud puddle he found. In the huge one acre backyard there was one tiny little mud puddle. Tiny! But, of course he would find it. He was covered in mud. That's OK though, he had fun, he gave everyone a good laugh, and he didn't even mind getting hosed off by Dad.
Thank you everyone for such a good day and for all your calls and your Happy Birthday serenades (Aunt Toni and Tiffany)! I loved 'em. Too bad you didn't know that I was recording you. :)
I love you guys!
The black shelf/cubby type thing was 12.95!!! and the Santa Fe lantern was 10.00 marked down from 25.00. I had planned on using both of them in Miles room. The shelf thingy has 6 big cubbies that would be perfect for storing his books and trucks and toys. But when I brought it home Miles was asleep in his room, so I just put it outside of his room between the bedroom doors. I kinda like it. It might stay there with some books and decorative stuff... maybe a picture above it, ooh with a lamp... the possibilities are endless!
I'm still going to use the lantern in his room once we put a shelf up in there. I figured this is about as "trainy" as I can get in there without having Miles called a foamer (the train-man term for those people obsessed with trains, pictures of trains.... anything to do with trains.) I couldn't resist it. Don't you think it will look cute in a little boys room? Especially a little boys room whose Daddy, and 99% of the other men in his family work for good 'ol Santa Fe. (BNSF) Plus it's red! I had to get it!
They came from this little place nearby. I can't say the name in case any of my local readers (all 2 of them) feel the need to go there and buy up all of the other treasures that I need to go back for. So for now, my little find is to remain anonymous... except that one of my readers has already been there with me. Shoot! Maybe she'll forget.